Thursday, March 1, 2007

5 Monthes and 5 Days

It is hard keeping up with all the new changes.
Mommy says, " I 'm getting so big"

Just another day lounging around.

My puppy and I hanging out. She is very protective of me. And I love to be naked!

An attempted to sit up on my own.

Got to love that pacifier.

Always a happy boy.

Nap time. Just before my attempt to successfully try out for the excorcist.

What another picture?

Words from Mommy: Each day I can see new and amazing change in him. Just today he rolled over from his back to his stomach and he laughs at everything. But there has been some bads days also. Alot of crying episodes and not knowing what was wrong. Going throught that check list: is he hungry?, is he wet?, does he want to be held and put down?...still crying.. questioning if he is teething? Besides all the bad days, the good ones out weigh all of them! For the most part he is a good baby. I wouldn't change anything. I love him so much!

1 comment:

Julie said...

His eyes are so big.