Monday, September 24, 2007

My 1st Birthday Party and More

Just before the party. In my new outfit that my parents bought me. Don't I look so big?
This is my baby sidling's car seat now! I'm to big!
Always on the move now.

This is my cousin Cheyanne and I at my birthday party. I am bigger than she is, but she is older than me!
Lots of friends an family at my party.
From left to right: my godmother Jasmine, my aunt melissa, my aunt Kristi, my aunt Jodi, and my mom's friend and my babysitter for Wednesday night bowling Christine.
Daddy and I openning presents.

This was getting to long for me. I didn't get a morning nap and I was getting squirmy! Enough is enough!

How about cake?
I din't eat any. I didn't know what to do with it.
Ok, so I tasted a little. Not my thing, as you can see.
My godparents bought me this gift. I am a little short still, but I had alot of fun with my daddy's help.
Another noisey toy. I love it!

Ok, so today is my real birthday. So here I am in my birthday suit.
Always playing with the ducks.
They taste so good. Mommy thinks it is because they soak up water and I sqeeze it in my mouth.

Mom doesn't like it when I stand up in the tub.
Percious little butt.
Mom put these shoes on me and now it is harder to walk!
But I got the hang of it really Fast!

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