Friday, December 11, 2009

Time to Play catch Up......

OK, as you can see Henry has once a little peanut. So this would be an older picture, but a good one! One of the many outfits at the time that Henry would have to grow into.
Matheu loves to hold his brother, but Henry's head to to heavy for him to hold up for long.
Brotherly Love.

This is Henry most of the day.
Chubby checks.
Don't you just want to squeeze those checks?
OK now for the newer ones. (12-7-09)

Looks so innocent!
Almost was able to get that illusive smile.

My chubby little guy.

Henry is 2 months old now. This is the day he went to the doctor. Matheu was such a good boy with helping mom out at the doctor's office. These were the pictures before we left home.
Henry not wanting to go.
Tried to get a shot of Henry's toung before he had it clipped. It was pretty tight. Mom is now glad it was done!

OK so I had issues with the flash for this one. Henry wanted me to stop taking pictures.Had to get a good one though.
Now today, 12-11-09
Matheu always wants his picture taken when I have the camera out. He is such a ham, but he doesn't always look at the camera.
More brotherly love.
Matheu always has wild hair.
Matheu and his tools. He wanted a picture with them.

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Boys...............

Just a couple of quick pics.

Henry and mom hanging out after lunch.

One of Matheu's old outfits that I liked. Isn't he adorable?

Henry as his usual self.

These picture were taken so we could get a good picture of Matheu to put in Grandma's picture frame of the grand kids.

My Boys!

Hard to believe that Henry is a couple days shy of 6 weeks and he has gone from weighing 5 lbs 12.5 oz to looking like this. (I'm not sure how much he weighs but he is a very good eater!)

This was Matheu on Sunday night before mom went to work.